In the mist of economy turmoil, let us look within and there we will find the answer. I could not have told you this yesterday, as I too was caught in the web, intangled and frozen. My dear brother Gregory, showed me the way back, within the depths of my own soul, where all answers lie.
There is a seed of understanding that rests at the very depths of our soul. It is a knowing that beyond all appearances there is Go(o)d. It is representative of ancient knowledge, compassion, and truth. This seed does not flower or germinate; it remains whole and encased, solid in form. It does not dry out and wither; it resides as everlasting potential and endless possibility. Marinating within the heart keeps it alive and supple, healthy and whole. This is the seed of Hope.
Hope expresses itself at all times. Within it lies the security that there is something more, a greater power and essence that has a hand in all things. And even though most may not realize, that greatness resides within all things. It becomes our soul strength.
1 comment:
Heather, your open hearted honesty caused an instant high tide to breach the banks of the portals to my soul~~~~~There is an Angle in our midst indeed~~ Thank you Big Hearted Heavenly Heather!! Thank you Namaste' G
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