Every time I say the Lord's Prayer, it has not fully resonated with me. Months ago while in service one Sunday, we discussed this and how important it was to fully feel the words and its meaning for us. A member stood and shared her version. It resonated and I took from it the words that fit me and added more of my own as well. I would like to share that today as today it Nov. 11, 2009 which numerologically is 11-11-11, most powerful gate opening this year.
My Lord's Prayer
O Divine Mother/Father, who dwells within me, Holy is thy name. Thy ways be known, thy grace be shown in me on earth as it is in heaven. Give me this day my inner peace. And forgive me of my ignorance as I forgive it in others. And lead me now on the path of love and deliver to me more compassion. For thine is the wisdom and the unity and the joy forever and ever, Amen.
Today hold your highest intentions, words, actions, and thoughts. Be kind, loving, grateful and in integrity. What YOU put out today is amplified many times back to YOU. What YOU most desire manifests more easily within these energies. Stop and focus several time today. We have not been in this vibration in our lifetime, last time was Nov. 11, 1910. So it is.
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