I have taken the time to dedicate to myself as I have gone inside these past 2 years. I have worked with my shadow, cleared internal clutter, released toxins that have held me back and reprogrammed to my original blueprint. Currently I am in a yearlong program with Debbie Ford and hundreds of others around the world to "Create the Life you Love." All of these things are not a one time process but an evolutionary experience that I am sure to continue until I return to dust.
I want to share with you The Vow of Emotional Independence that I took a year ago. I find it appropriate to reinstate this for myself and also for you to incorporate where you are right now.
When you have emotional independence, you want for nothing because you have everything. Just take a deep breath and think about this. Imagine feeling so full and so completely at peace inside yourself that you have the freedom to love and be loved, to give freely and to receive abundantly, to expand rather than contract, to move forward rather than stay stuck, to live in joy rather than suffer in misery. Emotional independence allows you to be in control rather than to be controlled by the unhealed emotions of your past and will support you in being nourished and filled with faith rather than diminished and weakened by fear.
Today is the day that we can stand together and take The Vow of Emotional Independence. So close your eyes and have the intention that you can be free, that you can be loved, that you can be abundant, that you can be healed, that you can be inspired, that you can be passionate, and that you can help change the world. And then open your eyes and please join me in taking the vow.
The Vow of Emotional Independence
I, ______ ________, am committed to living free of the strangulating grip of fear, shame, doubt, worry, anger, and sadness.
I promise to give my power to the force greater than myself rather than some food, substance, bad habit, or disempowering craving.
I will stand for my highest expression rather than allowing others' judgments to define who I am.
I will always make sure to please and take care of myself instead of succumbing to any people-pleasing habits.
I will listen to the voice of my soul rather than listening to the voice of my critical internal judge.
I will find joy in each and every day of my existence rather than get caught up in the insanity of my world.
I will take care of my planet and let my voice be heard instead of waiting for someone else to do it for me.
I will choose powerfully each and every moment to make choices that leave me feeling inspired by myself and will graciously let go of my self-defeating behaviors.
I take this vow NOW as a positive stand for my soul's highest expression and for every man, woman, and child on this planet today.
As I set myself free, I am freeing myself and others from the violence of my darkest thoughts, my negative projections, and my limiting self-image.
And now I ask all the powers that be to support me in living this vow each and every moment of each and every day.
As I surrender my will for the higher will, I know that I will be guided from my darkest thought to my greatest dream, from my head to my heart.
Today, I commit to living in full accordance with this vow.
And so it is.
Live as if this is your birthright and your destiny - because it is.
© Debbie Ford, July, 2010
Take a deep breath. Read this vow to yourself and allow it to nourish you. See yourself filled with all the light of the world. And if your heart desires to share it, send it on to others.
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