Hey Y'all,
Oh my, you caught me.... I am singing to myself as I typed the title to this article. A catchy tune by a great group of musical angels named R.E.M. called, "It's the end of the world as we know it." I came across a great article this morning that lends hope to the direction we are choosing to take. My dear friend and colleague Jennifer Hoffman wrote this. So sit back, relax, soak in the message as we continue to stretch, grow and learn. Oh yeah, back to the song.... "And I feel fine!" XO~H
Karma has been the path of the earth and of its human family since the beginning of this ascension cycle. This is the foundation of the third dimensional paradigm and it contains the promise of evolution from fear to love, from limitation to expansion, and from suffering to joy and ultimately ascension into higher dimensions of being.
To attain the promise of ascension, humanity must complete its karmic path through forgiveness, which is required to end karma. These lessons are both your blessing and your greatest challenges, as you have experienced in the many lifetimes and struggles that have defined your karmic path. You have seen this is as path from karma to redemption but it is really simply moving from karma, the path of destiny and healing, to creation, the path of the divine human, one-ness, connection and of intentional energy flow. The karmic path has come to an end, if you choose to allow it to.
The new era of creation is now one small step away from you and forgiveness is the bridge you cross to reach it. This is not a small matter, for once you cross the bridge into the era of creation, you can never return to the dimensions of karma. For some of you this is a difficult choice because you walk on two karmic paths, the one of your lifetimes and the one of humanity’s karma. As light workers, teachers, and multi-aspected healers, you have held the healing potential for collective karma.
Part of your karmic journey is the responsibility you have accepted for the pain and suffering, created by others, that has impacted much of humanity. While you were powerless to prevent it and it was part of the collective karmic path, you have chosen to remain in karmic cycles until the collective karma is healed. Through this responsibility you have delayed the closure you need to complete your karmic cycles and you have done this willingly but even so, it is no longer necessary.
By remaining in this aspect of your karmic cycles you do not complete the other potential of your healing and that is to empower the creation paradigms for the new earth, which are karma-free. Your fear that karma will not be let go of, that you will not be successful in this aspect of your soul promise and soul contracts, that you will not honor your obligations to Source, that this will be another failed attempt at moving from karma to creation keeps you in karmic cycles that you do not belong in. (We have been on the roller coaster long enough.)
Can you accept the healing gift of grace, the forgiveness that Source has for you, which lets you go from the collective karma you are holding healing energy for? This is your opportunity to do the work that your soul has longed for since the beginning of this very long journey, and that is to create the new era for the earth, the era of creation and the end of karma. There are aspects of this healing that you cannot complete, that must be done through the collective intention to let go of karma.
While you can hold energy and intention for this outcome, this is no longer needed. What is needed is the fulfillment of karma’s healing, new paradigms for peace, joy and love that exist beyond karma. This is your evolution and ascension into higher dimensions of being and this is your gift to the world. Be complete with your healing, accept the gift of grace which is your letting go of from your individual and collective karmic obligations and start stepping into the joy, freedom, peace and unconditional love that are the blessings of the new era of creation.
Have a great week, bust it wide open and make a difference today. As we continue this journey together, know that I love you, I am grateful for this experience, God is and that is my truth.
Divine God Pod Goddess,
Heather XOXOXO
P.S. As an Aromatic Alchemist, I formulated a blend that assists in incredible ways. I am using Field Organizer, this blend creates a feeling of protection and security, increasing your aura around the body by clearing and sealing the energy field from lower vibrating realms of being, which vibrates at a frequency that allows the dispersion of matter through the energetic field that sweeps through like a magnet, removing any discordant energy that has corded or entered your space. You too can transform your world smoothly and easily with assistance from Nature's botanicals at Aromatic Institute and of course the great and powerful Universe .
Divine God Pod Goddess,
Heather XOXOXO
P.S. As an Aromatic Alchemist, I formulated a blend that assists in incredible ways. I am using Field Organizer, this blend creates a feeling of protection and security, increasing your aura around the body by clearing and sealing the energy field from lower vibrating realms of being, which vibrates at a frequency that allows the dispersion of matter through the energetic field that sweeps through like a magnet, removing any discordant energy that has corded or entered your space. You too can transform your world smoothly and easily with assistance from Nature's botanicals at Aromatic Institute and of course the great and powerful Universe .