Positive thinking dramatically increases your chances of success in any endeavor. When you’re sure that you are worthy and that achievement is within your grasp, you start to relax and look for solutions rather than dwelling on problems. You are more likely to imagine positive situations or outcomes and disregard the thoughts related to giving up, failure, or roadblocks. What the mind expects, it finds. If you anticipate joy, good health, happiness, and accomplishment, then you will experience each one. Thinking positively may sound like a simple shift in attention – and it is – but it is a mind-set that must be developed. Whenever a negative thought enters your mind, try immediately replacing it with a constructive or optimistic one. With persistence, you can condition your mind to judge fleeting, self-defeating thoughts as inconsequential and dismiss them.
It is within your power to become as happy, content, or successful as you make up your mind to be. Staying positive may not have an immediate effect on your situation, but it will likely have a profound and instantaneous effect on your mood and the quality of your experiences. In order for positive thinking to change your life, it must become your predominant mind-set. Once you are committed to embracing positive thinking, you’ll start believing that everything that you want is within your grasp.
This has been brought to us by DailyOm.
I decided years ago after some deep and profound inner work on myself to attempt to view things in a positive manner instead of living from a place of fear, lack and not good enough. I will be the first to admit that it took time, effort and forethought to create the world in which I live today; however, it is the best life I have known yet. I can not tell you a specific date or time that the shift took place for me, I just know that after much time of concentrated effort and processing the negative into positive that my world began to shift.
As said above, " Staying positive does not mean that you ignore difficulties or disregard limitations. Instead, it means spending time focusing only on the thoughts that are conducive to your well-being and progress." This my friends is my life. I have had many nay-sayers along the way who are so deep in their sh*t that only negative comes from them, telling me that I do not live in reality, when in fact, my reality is very real and Absolutely Fabulous for me.
Please join me, it is quite easy and so very rewarding to live a life free of the socital chains that bind so many. And remember as always, we at the Aromatic Institute incorporate plant medicine from Aroma Pharmica to assist in our evolution with grace and ease. Until next time...
Your Aromatic Alchemist,
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