Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy Best Life Ever ~ in 2013

As we enter 2013 - I want to remind you all to let go of the past, embrace this present moment and envision your future better than you ever imagined.

I was scanning the Internet a few days ago and happened upon a technique called "The Pulse" by Jo Dunning. I watched a short video by Debra Cummings participated in the exercise and felt a shift ~ AMAZING.

A new way to make changes in your life ~ if it is money challenges, relationships, anything you want to change, this technique can help.  It is a clearing technique, one of the simplest I have yet to do. It feels right, it is comfortable, it is perfect for me.

Here is the difference, you are to bring to mind anything that is bothering you about this item. As you sit quietly, choose the item that you want to address ~ think about what bothers you about this. Continue to sit and think about what bothers you with this item.

I noticed as time went by I became less focused what was bothering me. I felt a shift and my thoughts became how I wanted to see the item in positive light.

Notice how you feel after, maybe you will feel lighter. See how your life changes, the little things, you life becoming easier.

Use this to address any of the things that you want to change in your life: worries, fears, relationships, depression, anything that is not the way you want it to be.

May you have starlight in your heart, happiness in your soul and faith that you are creating your best life ever.

As we continue this journey together, know that I love you, I am grateful for this experience, God is and that is my truth.
Divine God Pod Goddess,

Heather XOXOXO

P.S. The kit I formulated and have been using on a daily basis that assists in incredible way is Power Up Kit. It is comprised of 4 A-mazing blends, I am using Trusting Source today. You too can transform your world smoothly and easily with assistance from Nature's bounty - flower essences at Aromatic Institute.


Wednesday, December 26, 2012

When they show you....

As the year is winding down - we have 4 days left in the energetic vibration of 5, which is about change, change and more change. We are feeling this even more so with the last Full Moon of the year growing to its fullest in the days to come.
We are entering a number 6 year that will give us the opportunity to be more loving, caring, warm, responsible, humane and compassionate. (based on numerology)

So with a few days left and a Full Moon on our heels ~ we are being pushed to seriously let go of the crap that we still carry in our subconscious suitcase.

OMG - every insecure button that I have has been pushed in the weeks past by those who at one time held my fragile perfect heart in their hands. I take back my heart - I took it back in pieces, one at a time. Now as it is perfectly back together, I am creating a life from the inside out filled with love, tenderness, compassion and my truth.

I learned a valuable lesson which turned into a powerful tool in my spiritual toolbox. When people show you who they are ~ believe them.  This lesson took me a lifetime to get (good thing this life is only 43 human years so far.)

I am a lover of second, third and fourth chances. Listen closely ~ LEOPARDS DO NOT CHANGE THEIR SPOTS.

I have tried to change them, wash them off, scrubbing them until raw flesh was exposed. I finally got it and see past the spots. Some of us would rather cause harm to ourselves whether conscious or not than to embrace change AND more importantly, we are all doing the best we can in this now moment with the tools we have acquired in our respective toolboxes. Not that we have not been given the opportunity to get new tools or even to sharpen the ones we have, it was our choices that have led us the the places in which we are now standing.

I encourage all to take a moment to reflect on the great change that occurred for you in 2012 and how that change actually opened doors to great things to grow and flourish.

As we continue this journey together, know that I love you, I am grateful for this experience, God is and that is my truth.

Divine God Pod Goddess,

Heather XOXOXO

P.S. The kit I formulated and have been using on a daily basis that assists in incredible way is Power Up Kit. It is conprised of 4 A-mazing blends, I am using Loosen Karmic Knots today. You too can transform your world smoothly and easily with assistance from Nature's bounty - flower essences at Aromatic Institute.


Sunday, December 16, 2012

Counting our Blessings...

In the wake of tragedy this week, my heart is heavy for the families and loved ones of these incredible beings who lost their precious lives.

As a mother of three incredible children and a step mom to-be to five, I counted 8 precious blessings on Friday.  This created quite the reflection for me and an opportunity to give thanks and gratitude to my life thus far.

I know that we all have encountered challenges. Some might still be processing their situations. For me, it has been my faith in everything being in Divine order.  My faith that things can only get better has allowed me to move forward.

I have experienced a few dark days and I made it through them through reflection. This led to meditation for me, which has calmed the chatter and allowed me to breathe from the inside truly.

I am proof that by embracing the law of attraction to your life in a manner that works for you brings swift changes through manifestations~ REMEMBER it is about feeling (emotion.) These are vibratory components that extend from your heart and it is what the universe send back energetically.

My latest example of this is my feeling of having more than enough. I have more than enough money to pay my bills and expenses, I have more than enough food to provide healthy nutrition to my family, I have more than enough love and compassion to give to anyone who enters my world, I have more than enough knowledge to provide service through natural healing, I have more than enough kindness to smile at strangers, I have more than enough experience to share my skills to assist others in their journey.

I would like you to reflect on your past 12 months and tell me what you have more than enough of. Give thanks and gratitude for that. Open yourself up for more greatness to enter your life. Count your blessings.

As we continue this journey together, know that I love you, I am grateful for this experience and God is and that is my truth.

Divine God Pod Goddess,


P.S. The kit I formulated and have been using on a daily basis that assists is Power Up Kit. Read all about it. A-mazing!!!! Get yours today at Aromatic Institute.