As there are no coincidences, I truly know that God works in unexpected places through unexpected people, at unexpected times ~ in our highest good. God brought into my life people who exposed me to thoughts, actions and ways that have led me to my now moment. I was taught one lesson time and time again, when a person shows you who they are...believe them. I have a life changing experience where for me, I truly wanted to believe this person would reach their potential with my assistance. Guess what? They did not ask for my assistance nor did they want it. What a lesson that was when it was finally delivered and received fully.
On a brighter note, 11 years ago I was graced with a beautiful baby girl who has blossomed into a caring, charismatic, authentic young lady ever. I could not be more blessed as she was a gift from my blind faith that against all western medicine odds, I was to be a mother. She is the middle of three incredible beings who call me "mama." God is so good to me.
This brings me to Faith. Faith is elastic. Stretch it to the end of your demonstration. When you hope - Hope looks forward, Faith actually knows is has already received and acts accordingly. Remember this ~ fear feeds and thrives on negative thoughts yet starves on Faith.
I truly create my realty and see how quickly my thoughts make manifest. I leave you with this to carry your through your week:
The light of God now wipes all fear, doubt, anger and resentment. God's love pours through me as an irresistible magnetic current. I see only perfection and draw to me my own.
As we continue this journey together, know that I love you, I am grateful for this experience and God is and that is my truth.
Divine God Pod Goddess,
P.S. The blend I formulated and use on a daily basis that assists in my opening to gratitude is Heaven on Earth. I use it in a roll-on perfume. Get yours today at Aromatic Institute.
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