Thursday, July 28, 2011

As Blessed as you want to be...

Our thoughts are not simply ethereal pieces of information that enter our minds and then disappear. The words and ideas that we think can shape our lives and drive us toward success and happiness or failure and distress. How you think and feel can have a profound effect on your ability to recognize opportunity, how well you perform, and the outcome of the goals that you’ve set for yourself. When you maintain an optimistic outlook and make an effort to harbor only positive thoughts, you begin to create the circumstances conducive to you achieving what you desire. You feel in control and few of life’s challenges seem truly overwhelming because it is in your nature to expect a positive conclusion. An optimistic mind is also an honest one. Staying positive does not mean that you ignore difficulties or disregard limitations. Instead, it means spending time focusing only on the thoughts that are conducive to your well-being and progress.

 Positive thinking dramatically increases your chances of success in any endeavor. When you’re sure that you are worthy and that achievement is within your grasp, you start to relax and look for solutions rather than dwelling on problems. You are more likely to imagine positive situations or outcomes and disregard the thoughts related to giving up, failure, or roadblocks. What the mind expects, it finds. If you anticipate joy, good health, happiness, and accomplishment, then you will experience each one. Thinking positively may sound like a simple shift in attention – and it is – but it is a mind-set that must be developed. Whenever a negative thought enters your mind, try immediately replacing it with a constructive or optimistic one. With persistence, you can condition your mind to judge fleeting, self-defeating thoughts as inconsequential and dismiss them.

 It is within your power to become as happy, content, or successful as you make up your mind to be. Staying positive may not have an immediate effect on your situation, but it will likely have a profound and instantaneous effect on your mood and the quality of your experiences. In order for positive thinking to change your life, it must become your predominant mind-set. Once you are committed to embracing positive thinking, you’ll start believing that everything that you want is within your grasp.

This has been brought to us by DailyOm.

I decided years ago after some deep and profound inner work on myself to attempt to view things in a positive manner instead of living from a place of fear, lack and not good enough. I will be the first to admit that it took time, effort and forethought to create the world in which I live today; however, it is the best life I have known yet. I can not tell you a specific date or time that the shift took place for me, I just know that after much time of concentrated effort and processing the negative into positive that my world began to shift.

As said above, " Staying positive does not mean that you ignore difficulties or disregard limitations. Instead, it means spending time focusing only on the thoughts that are conducive to your well-being and progress." This my friends is my life. I have had many nay-sayers along the way who are so deep in their sh*t that only negative comes from them, telling me that I do not live in reality, when in fact, my reality is very real and Absolutely Fabulous for me. 

Please join me, it is quite easy and so very rewarding to live a life free of the socital chains that bind so many. And remember as always, we at the Aromatic Institute incorporate plant medicine from Aroma Pharmica to assist in our evolution with grace and ease. Until next time...

Your Aromatic Alchemist,

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

As is above, so is below...

During the first few days of August the universe will fire off two or three discreet challenges so make sure you were being attentive and listening to your inner divine judgments and directives.   

If you are experiencing emotional turbulence, moodiness and shadowy behavior by beleaguered friends, associates or family members it's your proof of the universe's beloved interest in our evolution. Tremendous anchoring of spiritual codes associated with the Divine Feminine have been balancing humanity for the entire month. Sacred female frequencies related to the Magdalene energies activated a matriarchal dismantling and clearing which is now occurring through all ancestral lines. 

Because of the awesome power of these light codes you should be feeling intuitively sharp, clear and confident. With the new visioning perspectives you are able to gaze upon your own expression of life and decide what areas need an inflow of Soul juice (love). You are completely dedicated to discovering the ideals and morals from within that still yearn for the support of Universal love and intelligence. You are feeling like a channel of collective insights moving with the eternal instinct of knowledge and wisdom. Synchronicity, soul connections, a-ha moments, past life memories, mystery manifestations, flashing mathematical codes (i.e. 1111, 4444, 888) can all be part of your everyday life. 

However, if you are healing karmic wounds associated with these energies then you could be working with simmering anger, jealousy, suspicion, emotional disempowerment, victimization of vulnerable individuals, and possible terror in response to repression and belittlement. Such experiences are pivotal opportunities for you to become conscious and awake to what is asking for healing. Be willing to see how your attitudes and energies are seeking the divine inspiration of Spirit's wholeness. The wise part of you, possessing a keen memory about what you incarnated to accomplish, will motivate you to take the exact steps needed for reconnection. 

Physical repercussions from integration include the nervous system going awry. Light packets coded with ancient frequencies are bouncing through us within a newly available vibrational spectrum and we are being over-stimulated. You may feel "buzzing" as your body attempts to moderate the new refinements. Give yourself permission to sleep it off - literally. If extra sleep isn't an option then at least create opportunities to relax throughout the day. A knotted stomach, pancreas pain, gallbladder issues, or other digestive and intestinal problems may also surface as the third chakra adjusts to the new norm. Remember when anchoring new frequencies at the body level give your digestion a break and eat as lightly as possible. 

And a new one to add to the list - because you are grounding a new surge of "creational" energies, you may find sexual feelings escalate. The lower chakras are now being merged with high velocity dimensional frequencies so use your own discernment and only interact with clear boundaries to what feels aligned to you. If you are female you may notice you are receiving a new level of "male" attention directed at your energy field. If you are a male, you will notice the desire to exchange your energies with the opposite sex. Do not utilize these energies to heal body parts. Raise them through your vertical power tube (chakra column) and release them out the top of your crown. See your root and crown as one long column of light. If you have an intimate partner, consecrate your union to these sacred energies to heal and liberate you both.

All the yet-to-arrive energies of August will serve to convert you into a crystallized, electro-magnetic field of Soul current that is ready to accommodate the dimensional spheres we are moving into. The potent frequency upgrades are purposefully making us ready for the end of one era and the beginning of another. Very shortly 3D will no longer be relative to our existence. Go with the organic eternal life force flow by turning inward to reflect on the workings of the cosmos through your own self-study. Make the external changes needed for greater alignment between self and the Universe. (Note to Self: as above, so below; as within, so without.) 

As the week progresses be alert to the energies of "conflict" that will be present. They are the distraction that will keep you from taking in the higher, more subtle currents running through your environment. When you need to resolve something that appears as conflict the first action to take is to s-l-o-w down and reflect on where your individual ego and will are fitting into the larger cosmic scheme. Touchiness, unease, and tension are sure to be exacerbated. The most natural emotion and action to humanly possess is the need to be right. 

Do your part to use your inner vision to identify what is most important - again, not only for yourself but in terms of fitting into the larger cosmic order of the time. Open your heart and move into love constantly, consistently. All attempts at this help to improve the psychic atmosphere of humanity. Instead of falling into the ole, "my way or the highway", it won't hurt to play the generous and caring role while interacting with loved ones, pals and co-workers. 

Settling in 5D is beyond anything your mortal imagination can conjure up and it is no longer a matter of prophecy. From here to 2012 the Light will be coming more rapidly and with greater intensity in order that everyone have a deeper sense of their individual role within the larger landscape. 

July will end with a mixture of stimulation and caution. The yellow flag of caution is a reminder of your greater responsibility and leadership within our own life experiences. Each event will require an internal dialogue to explore the profound Inner Knowing of your personal values and truths. Thus, the leader who listens to inner knowing and leads by example. The effects of August will powerfully propel us further into the 5D dimension, shaking off more belief systems formulated a long time ago. It is time to be realistic about what we really feel is right and in harmony with our God Source identity. Inner control and peace are the themes to practice for our personal evolution this week.

This incredible post was delivered by Rev. Angela Peregoff.

These times are changing my friends and I will be the first to say "WooHoo." Now with that said, you should also know that there is validation in all that we have experienced up till this now moment. Many of us have shed lifetimes in days, weeks, months. This caused quite the emotional upheaval as all we had known and grown accustomed to had to leave in order for this beautiful, sparkly new to arrive. We are still in transition though, as Angela stated above. Some are healing Karmic wounds that are up front and in our face. Please love, take time for yourself (whatever that means for you,) others are integrating these new energies and having these unexplained pains. Good to validate again what is occurring as these new frequencies are entering into our bodies for our highest good.  I love you all and see the light in you. Know that great things happen when you are in tune with your intuition. We at the Aromatic Institute use these gifts to create powerful blends of essential oils for various solutions with Aroma Pharmica. We are resolving things like headaches, sleeplessness, anxiety, while creating a piece of resolve that all is right in the world. Until next time...


Today I awaken to the peace and calm of the One Presence attending
to the ordering of all life. This spiritual mastery animates the Divine
nature of all it conceives. In the stillness of this Presence I am tenderly
reminded that I, too, am Spirit's whole, perfect and complete expression
of life. I AM the principle of the one Mind moving to create experiences
which open me to the authentic realms of Self.

I move with the divine momentum of the universe and allow all aspects
of God's radiant light to bless my entire being with the rising stages of
its transfiguring energy. No matter what challenges or tests may be
presented, I know nothing is worth moving away from the harmony of
God's grace and timing. I am a spiritual being that is superior to my mind,
emotions, and circumstances. As such I drink in the opportunity for Light
from the heart of God to merge with the discipline of a physical body. Every
cell, every atomic and subatomic particle within my physical, etheric, mental
and emotional bodies is now pulsating with the certainty of Divine Radiance.
The revitalizing and restoring beams of Light infuse my bodies with the
divine qualities of eternal youth, vibrant health, and limitless physical
perfection. Empowered by these positive effects I am always self-responsible,
happy, optimistic, emotionally stable, wise, clear about my life's purpose, and
skillful in the deliverance of soul driven actions.

I AM eternally grateful for more Light now filling my bodies with vibrations of
Love and Harmony. Through the power of Light I am revivified and transformed.
I know this activity has been completed with full power through the One mind
and Presence of God. And so it is. 

Your Aromatic Alchemist,

Monday, July 25, 2011

Freedom is what you do with what's been done to you...

During the first few days of August the universe will fire off two or three discreet challenges so make sure you were being attentive and listening to your inner divine judgments and directives.   

If you are experiencing emotional turbulence, moodiness and shadowy behavior by beleaguered friends, associates or family members it's your proof of the universe's beloved interest in our evolution. Tremendous anchoring of spiritual codes associated with the Divine Feminine have been balancing humanity for the entire month. Sacred female frequencies related to the Magdalene energies activated a matriarchal dismantling and clearing which is now occurring through all ancestral lines. 

Because of the awesome power of these light codes you should be feeling intuitively sharp, clear and confident. With the new visioning perspectives you are able to gaze upon your own expression of life and decide what areas need an inflow of Soul juice (love). You are completely dedicated to discovering the ideals and morals from within that still yearn for the support of Universal love and intelligence. You are feeling like a channel of collective insights moving with the eternal instinct of knowledge and wisdom. Synchronicity, soul connections, a-ha moments, past life memories, mystery manifestations, flashing mathematical codes (i.e. 1111, 4444, 888) can all be part of your everyday life. 

However, if you are healing karmic wounds associated with these energies then you could be working with simmering anger, jealousy, suspicion, emotional disempowerment, victimization of vulnerable individuals, and possible terror in response to repression and belittlement. Such experiences are pivotal opportunities for you to become conscious and awake to what is asking for healing. Be willing to see how your attitudes and energies are seeking the divine inspiration of Spirit's wholeness. The wise part of you, possessing a keen memory about what you incarnated to accomplish, will motivate you to take the exact steps needed for reconnection. 

Physical repercussions from integration include the nervous system going awry. Light packets coded with ancient frequencies are bouncing through us within a newly available vibrational spectrum and we are being over-stimulated. You may feel "buzzing" as your body attempts to moderate the new refinements. Give yourself permission to sleep it off - literally. If extra sleep isn't an option then at least create opportunities to relax throughout the day. A knotted stomach, pancreas pain, gallbladder issues, or other digestive and intestinal problems may also surface as the third chakra adjusts to the new norm. Remember when anchoring new frequencies at the body level give your digestion a break and eat as lightly as possible. 

And a new one to add to the list - because you are grounding a new surge of "creational" energies, you may find sexual feelings escalate. The lower chakras are now being merged with high velocity dimensional frequencies so use your own discernment and only interact with clear boundaries to what feels aligned to you. If you are female you may notice you are receiving a new level of "male" attention directed at your energy field. If you are a male, you will notice the desire to exchange your energies with the opposite sex. Do not utilize these energies to heal body parts. Raise them through your vertical power tube (chakra column) and release them out the top of your crown. See your root and crown as one long column of light. If you have an intimate partner, consecrate your union to these sacred energies to heal and liberate you both.

All the yet-to-arrive energies of August will serve to convert you into a crystallized, electro-magnetic field of Soul current that is ready to accommodate the dimensional spheres we are moving into. The potent frequency upgrades are purposefully making us ready for the end of one era and the beginning of another. Very shortly 3D will no longer be relative to our existence. Go with the organic eternal life force flow by turning inward to reflect on the workings of the cosmos through your own self-study. Make the external changes needed for greater alignment between self and the Universe. (Note to Self: as above, so below; as within, so without.) 

As the week progresses be alert to the energies of "conflict" that will be present. They are the distraction that will keep you from taking in the higher, more subtle currents running through your environment. When you need to resolve something that appears as conflict the first action to take is to s-l-o-w down and reflect on where your individual ego and will are fitting into the larger cosmic scheme. Touchiness, unease, and tension are sure to be exacerbated. The most natural emotion and action to humanly possess is the need to be right. 

Do your part to use your inner vision to identify what is most important - again, not only for yourself but in terms of fitting into the larger cosmic order of the time. Open your heart and move into love constantly, consistently. All attempts at this help to improve the psychic atmosphere of humanity. Instead of falling into the ole, "my way or the highway", it won't hurt to play the generous and caring role while interacting with loved ones, pals and co-workers. 

Settling in 5D is beyond anything your mortal imagination can conjure up and it is no longer a matter of prophecy. From here to 2012 the Light will be coming more rapidly and with greater intensity in order that everyone have a deeper sense of their individual role within the larger landscape. 

July will end with a mixture of stimulation and caution. The yellow flag of caution is a reminder of your greater responsibility and leadership within our own life experiences. Each event will require an internal dialogue to explore the profound Inner Knowing of your personal values and truths. Thus, the leader who listens to inner knowing and leads by example. The effects of August will powerfully propel us further into the 5D dimension, shaking off more belief systems formulated a long time ago. It is time to be realistic about what we really feel is right and in harmony with our God Source identity. Inner control and peace are the themes to practice for our personal evolution this week.

This incredible post was delivered by Rev. Angela Peregoff.
These times are changing my friends and I will be the first to say "WooHoo." Now with that said, you should also know that there is validation in all that we have experienced up till this now moment. Many of us have shed lifetimes in days, weeks, months. This caused quite the emotional upheaval as all we had known and grown accustomed to had to leave in order for this beautiful, sparkly new to arrive. We are still in transition though, as Angela stated above. Some are healing Karmic wounds that are up front and in our face. Please love, take time for yourself (whatever that means for you,) others are integrating these new energies and having these unexplained pains. Good to validate again what is occurring as these new frequencies are entering into our bodies for our highest good.  I love you all and see the light in you. Know that great things happen when you are in tune with your intuition. We at the Aromatic Institute use these gifts to create powerful blends of essential oils for various solutions with Aroma Pharmica. We are resolving things like headaches, sleeplessness, anxiety, while creating a piece of resolve that all is right in the world. Until next time...


Today I awaken to the peace and calm of the One Presence attending
to the ordering of all life. This spiritual mastery animates the Divine
nature of all it conceives. In the stillness of this Presence I am tenderly
reminded that I, too, am Spirit's whole, perfect and complete expression
of life. I AM the principle of the one Mind moving to create experiences
which open me to the authentic realms of Self.

I move with the divine momentum of the universe and allow all aspects
of God's radiant light to bless my entire being with the rising stages of
its transfiguring energy. No matter what challenges or tests may be
presented, I know nothing is worth moving away from the harmony of
God's grace and timing. I am a spiritual being that is superior to my mind,
emotions, and circumstances. As such I drink in the opportunity for Light
from the heart of God to merge with the discipline of a physical body. Every
cell, every atomic and subatomic particle within my physical, etheric, mental
and emotional bodies is now pulsating with the certainty of Divine Radiance.
The revitalizing and restoring beams of Light infuse my bodies with the
divine qualities of eternal youth, vibrant health, and limitless physical
perfection. Empowered by these positive effects I am always self-responsible,
happy, optimistic, emotionally stable, wise, clear about my life's purpose, and
skillful in the deliverance of soul driven actions.

I AM eternally grateful for more Light now filling my bodies with vibrations of
Love and Harmony. Through the power of Light I am revivified and transformed.
I know this activity has been completed with full power through the One mind
and Presence of God. And so it is. 

Your Aromatic Alchemist,

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Riding the Wave of Life...

While riding the wave of life you must also practice stillness so you can flow with, rather than resist the wave’s motion.

Our lives are continually in motion, buoyed by the wave that is the universe’s flow. As the wave rises and falls, we are carried forward, through life’s high and low points. The universe’s flow may take us to a place in life where we would rather not be. As tempting as it can be to fight the direction and size of this wave that propels us, riding the wave is intended to make life easier. When you ride the wave, your life can evolve naturally and with minimal effort. Riding the wave, however, is not a passive experience. It is an active process that requires you to be attentive, centered, and awake. You must also practice stillness so you can flow with, rather than resist the wave’s motion.

Because life is dynamic and always changing, it is when we try to make the wave stand still or resist its direction that we are likely to get pulled under by its weight. If you try to move against the wave, you may feel as if you are trapped by it and have no control over your destiny. When you reach a low point while riding the wave and find your feet touching bottom, remember to stay standing so that you can leap forward along with the wave the next time it rises. Trying to resist life’s flow is a losing proposition and costly because you waste energy.

Riding the wave allows you to move forward without expending too much of your own efforts. When you ride the wave, you are carried by it and your head can “stay above water” as you go wherever it takes you. It can be difficult to trust the universe and let go of the urge to fight life’s flow, and you may find it easier to ride the wave if you can stay calm and relaxed. Riding the wave will always take you where you need to go.

This post was sent to me via Daily Om.

Again my friends, we are in a state of constant change and evolution. It happens when we are not looking, it happens when we are aware. This is the one constant in our lives...CHANGE. I have been blessed with tremendous change in my life throughout my life, so I am telling you from my experience that I too fought against the waves of change with little reward. I became depleted to the core of my being. These experiences happened earlier in my life, so when the latest significant change occurred, I had the hindsight of experience to change my reaction. This time I decided to ride the wave with balance, grace and ease. What I experienced was a complete AHA moment as the pain of the process was still there, yet the time in which the pain and dis-comfort took was minimal compared to the past.

When I say that I am blessed with tremendous change in my life, these have been defining moments in my life that created 90 degree turns on my path of purpose. As I allowed myself to fall "victim" into the "why me" syndrome, I created strife and resistance to the inevitable. Change was happening no matter how hard I resisted or held on. Riding the waves of change has been the most liberating and gratifying experience in my life. I can say that I received assistance through essential oils from Aroma Pharmica with divine guidance from the knowledge held at the Aromatic Institute. My request to you :: let go and surrender as change is occurring at a rapid rate in our time-space continuum. Know that you will not be granted assistance from the highers unless you ask; however, all you have to do is ask, believe and you will receive the answers for your highest good and growth. Lastly know that "everything happens for a reason" and "all IS in Divine order." Until next time...

Your Aromatic Alchemist,