Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Power of Prayer...

Prayers and affirmations are like keys to the locks of your manifestation door.

All locks were changed a while ago. I personally missed that memo, so I am now learning how to open these doors with new keys.  The "key" is your emotions.

I learned if I was getting too emotional about a situation, my hand was shaking too much to put the key in the lock.  Let's look at the simplicity of this slight adjustment in our perception ~ when it comes to life that critical thing is whether you take things for granted or take them with gratitude.

Gratitude is one of the main keys that open every lock to every door. As gratitude for the simple things will actually bring more good into your world.  Whose with me? Are you journaling your gratitude daily?  Start small, create a life better than you could ever imagine.

I'll go first:
  • I am grateful for this incredible fall weather.
  • I am grateful for the twenty minutes extra sleep this morning.
  • I am grateful that my beloved made coffee two mornings in a row.
Your Turn... Get it, Got it.... Gratitude.

As we continue this journey together, know that I love you, I am grateful for this experience and God is and that is my truth.

Divine God Pod Goddess,


P.S. The blend I formulated and use on a daily basis that assists in my opening to gratitude is Heaven on Earth. I use it in a roll-on perfume. Get yours today at Aromatic Institute.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Truths are created...

Truths are created, they are not static. You are the creator of your truths and what you are living is your truth.

I had a discussion today where one's experience of a situatiom was being told and it was this person's absolute truth. Why is this? You see we all have our truths ~ they actually reveal themselves from our perception.

We each have specific filters aka life experiences which affect our lens aka mind's eye which shape perception aka our world. So again I am expressing to you the importance of your thoughts, words and actions. Now I know that our past and our upbringing can influence the filters on our lens. So we must let go of all these thoughts, words, situations amd actions that do not belong to us. We must let go of the records which have been filed and catalogued in our subconcious that we do not want to keep.

From this moment forward I want you to say... I now make my perfect records through the Christ within - the records of Health, Wealth, Love and Perfect self-expression.

In your movement through this week, I want you to be aware that there are only 2 things you can control...
  1. how you prepare for what might happen
  2. how you respond to what just happened
Now the moment when things happen is in God's hands.

As we continue this journey together, know that I love you, I am grateful for this experience and God is and that is my truth.

Divine God Pod Goddess,


P.S. The blend I formulated and use on a daily basis that assists in my opening and surrendering is Heaven on Earth. I use it in a roll-on perfume. Get yours today at Aromatic Institute.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Nothing stands between you and...

"Nothing stands between you and your highest good nor your heart's desires but doubt and fear."

When you can wish without worrying, every desire will be instantly fulfilled.  You might have discovered by now that life is like a movie script that you are writing moment by moment.

Is the life that you are living not in alignment with who you want to be? Here are a few things that might be blocking your success:

parental programming
maternal womb energetics
societal programming
generational living
Is your heart open? Are you now willing to let go and let God?

Live the life that God intended you to live. First you must surrender, open your arms up wide to the heavens, give thanks and gratitude for where you are standing now. Know that every single test thus far is a testimony for your divine life now.

I want you to know that I have a Million dollar life yet I continue to have a welfare mentality where I still live paycheck to paycheck. This was given to me from my upbringing which was given to my mother from her upbringing. It stops here. It ends now. It stops today.  Are you with me?

I am writing my script, which affects my children; therefore, my words, thoughts, and actions must remain positive, bountiful, joyous.

I AM the example. I AM the light. I AM the way shower. Are you with me?

"Every thought you produce, anything you say, any action you do, it bears your signature." Thich Nhat Hanh

As we continue this journey together, know that I love you, am grateful for this experience and God is and that is my truth.

Divine God Pod Goddess,


P.S. The blend I formulated and use on a daily basis that assists in my opening and surrendering is Heaven on Earth. I use it in a roll-on perfume. Get yours today at Aromatic Institute.