Friday, November 4, 2011

Soul Growth Spurts

The following words are from Rev. Angela. I was led to share as this week has been an incredible experience in the power of our souls.

Let's end this week with a brief reminder about our daily experiences, the illusion that is in truth nothing more than a mind game that is here to serve your soul. An experience is merely a tool for the soul to gain knowledge. Now, let me say that again: An experience is adding knowledge to your soul. It is not a revelation. It is not knowing that you are a creative being. It is not saying, "I am the reality of love." The purpose of all experience on Earth or in other dimensions is to add knowledge to your soul.

As you gain knowledge at a soul level, this spirit has more remembrance, more awareness of its creative power. If you could create that experience, you would have more knowledge to create more experiences, but that does not mean you would have more awareness of your reality. The soul loves knowledge. The soul loves expansion, and it expands with new knowledge constantly by experiencing. For you see, as you experience, you are creating; and as you are creating, you are experiencing. That is what experience is truly about. Existence is expressing the creative process. Now when you are creating in the ego system of illusion, you have experiences that you define, and you define each experience by judging them as safe/not safe, good/bad, okay, benign, reckless, careless, hateful, angry and so on.
By defining your experiences, you are placing them in the illusion. This is only drama. Do not get caught in the drama of your creations. A good movie, a great drama, tells a great story from beginning to end. This is what experience is. It is like a movie adding to the growth of the soul. Any experience you choose will add color and dimension to your soul.  What you need to realize is that it is an experience; it is not the reality of who you are. It is an experience, it is part of the soul's journey, and when you become too involved in the drama of an experience, you may lose the reality of your true identity. Be careful this week not to abandon your true self; when you step away from the true self you are no longer in control and no longer coming from your true power.

I want to thank each and every one for the time you have given to read these words. You are working on yourself on a subconscious level and for that I am grateful and honored to assist in the process. As we each see the world through our own "lens," lets be mindful that we are all entitled to our own opinion and perpective on any given situation, place or thing.

Now with that, can we also end this week with the power of non-judgment? Allow yourself and others the freedom to be who they are. Do not force solutions—allow solutions to spontaneously emerge. Uncertainty is essential, and your path to freedom. My father transitioned home 3 weeks ago. I have been given one of the greatest tests that I have in this lifetime. I have been put into a position in which I have to stand up for what is right, say No instead of Yes to appease in order for peace to be for others which would have been at my expense; mentally, emotionally and physically. I am grateful for the lesson. 

I will continue to move forward and practice non-judgment as everyone is doing the best they can will the tools they have in the toolbox. Practice this with me this weekend, dig deep to find the strength, courage and power to rise above the small stuff and see... Join me at the Aromatic Institute where you can find all of nature's gifts to assist you in your forward movement.

Until next time... XOH

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Making our days count....

Every day of our lives can be sacred days. Every day we have the opportunity to open our eyes, connect with our soul, and experience the gift of life. When we're connected, we're not run by our fear, worry, and pain. Instead, we're in the present, certain that everything is as it should be and that we are where we need to be right now. Divinely connected, we know that new realities exist and that, ultimately, it is going to get better. When we're connected, we know that no matter what life hands us, we are protected and guided. This is a conscious practice that I make a choice to embrace daily. To know in my heart of hearts that it IS going to get better and I am protected and divinely guided is all I have some moments. And that is okay...

So it is my intention to offer this message as kindling for your soul. May it light the fire to have you passionately go after your faith. May it spark you to look for what's right about your life - to be hungry for it, and to know it's coming, even if you can't see it yet.

Think about it. Would you act differently if you knew you were blessed, if you knew God was watching over you and protecting you? What boundaries would you feel empowered to set? What requests would you make? What doors would you allow to open if you knew you were divinely held? And what would happen in your life if you were intentionally reaching up and pulling in your connection with the divine?

Transformational Action Steps

This weekend, look for the blessings. Keep your eyes open to new opportunities. If you know that they're there, you will surely find them. And give yourself a break this weekend from questioning, from not being sure, and from resignation and disappointment. Instead, make a holy demand on yourself to live your faith rather than your fear...and just watch what happens. I am walking these exact steps too. Stepping in to my power, my source, my divine world that was made just for me.

My dear Debbie Ford inspired these words and has been a guiding light and source for my strength in years, months, weeks and days past. If you have not delved into your shadow yet, I HIGHLY suggest that you watch the Shadow Effect and do the work OR read the Shadow Effect and do the work. 

We at the Aromatic Institute have created the Power Up Kit that will effectively assist you in your journey of embraced, releasing and loving your shadow.

In Aromatic Gratitude,

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

All of Me...

It has been a few weeks since my last post. I have had moments of clarity and fog and clarity and fog. I stepped back from my writings as I realized that my writings had slowly dissolved over the last 8 months. Something life altering happened on Dec. 27, 2010. I was left with a handful of broken promises, hopes and dreams, while my heart was scattered and shattered into a millions pieces. It was at that moment that I was no longer able to write with clarity. My words were jumbled with thick goo that would not allow for them to be cohesive and precise.

It was at that time that I started to receive messages from other Earth Angels who were lending me great comfort and insight as I slowly began to unravel the paradox of Pandora's box that I had allowed myself to be squeezed so tightly into. It was in the days, weeks and months that followed that I put all my faith into God that he had a divine plan that was better than I could ever imagine, that I realized I was sacrificing my gifts and my being to accommodate, that I am a beloved child of God who closes doors so that vast windows of greatness can open to those who believe.

The most important lesson to be learned in life is to distinguish things which really matter from those which matter least. The one who knows which really matter will never be deceived by illusion or by a human and will pursue the goals which will lead him to prosperity and to happiness itself. You see, I had fell into my humanness and allowed the illusion of smoke and mirrors to mask the truth and I stopped growing, evolving and ascending. Better yet, I was holding on so tightly to this illusion that I was stunting the growth of all players in the game of my life. So my friends, when God closed the door ever so gently, I had to let go of the handle that I had been gripping with all my might.

Much has fallen away, I have mulched much of the old into fresh compost where an incredible garden has blossomed. I have so much new life in my world, I am inspired daily by the grace of God that I am here on this earth in this now moment to serve as witness to the glory of change. I am happy, lucky, fortunate and blessed. I would not change one circumstance in my life as it has led me to the present, which is truly a gift and I am grateful. I am blessed to have aromatic therapy to assist in the transitions

I think we all experience moments where we may lose our way. I have certainly experienced such challenges that have caused me to lose sight of who I am. I have also been part of friends lives when they have needed gentle love and guidance to rediscover themselves. I firmly believe it is with thanks to love, our friends and their honesty that we are guided back to ourselves..Perhaps love is the process of my leading you gently back to yourself. I know that LOVE is all there is... to love and be loved for who we are, to give thanksgiving for our differences that makes us unique and to know that when you least expect it, your path will cross with those who will change you world forever. You must be awake... "Once you have started seeing the beauty of life, ugliness starts disappearing. If you start looking at life with joy, sadness starts disappearing. You cannot have heaven and hell together, you can have only one. It is your choice." ~ Osho 

I will end this post with one of my favorite poems by Rumi ...  The Guest House

This being human is a guest house. Every morning a new arrival. A joy, a depression, a meanness, some momentary awareness comes as an unexpected visitor. Welcome and entertain them all! Even if they're a crowd of sorrows, who violently sweep your house empty of its furniture, still, treat each guest honorably. He may be clearing you out for some new delight. The dark thought, the shame, the malice, meet them at the door laughing, and invite them in. Be grateful for whoever comes, because each has been sent as a guide from beyond. ~ 

Monday, August 22, 2011

More Retrograde Madness?

This has been a tough Mercury retrograde period and it ends this week, although the shadow period extends to September 9. This is something that happens at least three times a year so it's not an unusual phenomenon but our heightened awareness and greater sensitivity to energy is making this one more difficult because we are more aware of the changes that are happening, more attuned to the shifts that are happening around us and more involved in them because we are more connected to everything that is happening, beyond the small part that is our involvement.

This heightened sensitivity makes us aware of the changes that are happening within us and within others. We feel their pain, their doubt and confusion and if we are in fear, we can take it personally. The transformation we are going through is not something that is being experienced by people who have been or are following a spiritual path, it's being felt by everyone. And everyone reacts to it according to their level of understanding. So someone who suddenly decides that a relationship is no longer right for them at this time may be feeling doubt and confusion about their own ability to relate. But to the person on the receiving end, it's a different matter.

I've been writing for some time that the transformation we have been going through for the past five years or more will soon be felt by everyone and that time is here. And others will experience this transformation through the filter of their fears and have to address their own energetic alignment and integrity. They will make choices that include us, or not. They will act from their fear and may decide that the life they have is wrong for them and abandon it, and us. They make become so different that we can no longer be with them.

And as we continue our own transformation we may decide that the life we have is no longer right for us, that the people we have been surrounded by, including family, are so removed from our vibrational range that we can no longer connect to them in any way. Parting may be difficult but what is removed will be replaced by what fits our energy and this is a time for us to focus on the level of community, connection and relating that we want in our life so we can be surrounded by people that we can and want to be connected and who can and want to be connected to us.

You attract according to how you value yourself. 

This beautiful message was brought to us by Jennifer Hoffman. I can honestly say that this retrograde period has been the toughest for me and for many others in a long time.We are continually shifting, growing and stretching into our soul's path and purpose. I have found over the last 5-6 years how interesting it is to remove yourself from energetic vibrations that are not for your highest good and how allowing for yourself to be valued through your eyes and your filters, you open yourself up to be surrounded by those who match and it has enriched my world exponentially. Thank you for stepping in, we at Aromatic Institute have been using a transformational kit from Aroma Pharmica called the Power Up Kit and Steeping In is one of the blends that have assisted the shift and continual forward movement for me. Thank you and I am grateful.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Accept or Decline...

Every circumstance in our reality exists because we chose to accept or decline a gift. Now the word ‘gift’ has to be considered in the right context because in this instance, it means learning, growth and healing experiences, which are gifts because they are opportunities for us to resolve and release misaligned energies, karma, trauma and soul wounds. They do not always appear in our lives as things that make us feel good, bring us joy and inspire warm and fuzzy feelings. Some gifts challenge our core beliefs and power; others are an opportunity to confirm whether we have learned a lesson. But in every situation, no matter what it is, we always have a choice to accept or decline.

That makes our journey appear to be so easy since all we have to do is say ‘yes’ or ‘no’ to every situation that appears before us. With ‘yes’ we accept and we get what we want and with ‘no’ we are clearly indicating that we are on our spiritual path and know what we do not want to step into. Or do we? While that part is a little murky, what is absolute is that there are no ‘maybes’ on our soul journey, even if we are not sure of what we want. So why do we approach many lessons with so much doubt and confusion if we know that the answer will always be a simple ‘yes’ or no’?

 Because we add elements to our ‘yes’ or ‘no’ that turn them into long, drawn out exercises in decision making, and an ‘accept’ answer does not always mean that w are in agreement. Whatever we decline doesn’t always indicate that we don’t want something. Interwoven within our answers are expectations, desires, needs, wants, and a silent hope that no matter what we choose, the Universe will make up the difference if our choice is not powerful and will create the best outcome on our behalf. Within every choice to accept or decline there are expectations, manipulations, desired outcomes and a certain amount of fear.

 Every choice to accept or decline puts us on a different path. Where will this path lead us, how will we do with the lessons and what the outcome will be are all up to us. We think that accepting means yes and declining means no but sometimes it’s the other way around. We can also decline to mean yes and accept to mean no. And if we are making that choice unconsciously we are still committing just as strongly to it as if we were fully aware and confident. Every answer is an acceptance of the path that accompanies it so even if we decline we are not necessarily ‘off the hook’, we are just not going to be on the path that a ‘yes’ answer, or accepting, would have created for us.

 Are you confused yet? It’s complicated but not that difficult because there is a way to determine which is the best, most fulfilling and highest choice and that is to pause, consider and be aware that we always have a choice, no choice is better than any other choice and all choices lead us to a specific path, that is right and best for us because if it wasn’t, we would choose something else.

 When and what should we accept? Any situation that we feel is in our highest good. How do we decide that?  
By checking in with ourselves and asking some simple questions:
  •  Is this the best choice for me at this time?
  •  What am I learning from this situation and what are my options?
  •  Do I really want to do this?
  •  What am I committing to?
  •  What do I gain from this and what do I lose?
  •  What else is possible for me?
 The last question is probably the most important one because we believe that whatever we are faced with is our only option, but it isn’t. We are limitless beings living in a limitless Universe so while we may see only one choice, there are many others we are totally unaware of. So by asking what else is possible, we are pausing just long enough to consider that there may be a different choice for us that we have not yet considered that may be more fulfilling, lead to more joy, be more aligned with what we will become once we allow our energies to expand into higher levels, which is part of what each choice offers us.

 Are we willing to take that risk and become a higher version of ourselves, even if we have no idea what that means? That is what each choice leads us to, whether we are willing to step into our own greatness, divinity, highest aspects and expand our energies to include the fullness of our potential in our reality. No choice can be right or wrong, good or bad because we will chose whatever is possible for us in each moment.

 What we should remember is that any choice can be changed at any time. We determine that by the outcome, which we know once we have made the choice (this is where we step into doubt, confusion and indecision because we want to know the outcome of the choice before we choose, so we know we made the ‘right’ decision. Yet that be known only after the choice has been made, which is why we are more afraid to decline than to accept, even if declining is our more powerful option.

 There’s only one way to find out and that is to make the accept or decline choice with confidence, pausing to ask questions and trusting that with the outcome we will know whether we made a choice that will expand our world or limit it and then we can decline that option and accept another one.

This is the message for August 2011 from Jennifer Hoffman.

Every lesson is part of our journey of spiritual growth and understanding which we select through our choices. Each choice has its own path and outcome and what we 'accept' or 'decline' highlights a single path and its potential outcomes. As we 'accept' one lesson we automatically decline others because they are not available to us while we're in this lesson. This is an 'all or nothing' choice too, because we cannot say 'yes' to part of a lesson and 'no' to other parts. But, we can change our mind at any time when we are ready to stop and take another path to our healing.

We may regret the path not taken but all other options are unavailable until we gain the level of spiritual understanding that is necessary to know and connect to something else. That said, when we are ready for something new all of the paths we have previously declined become available to us at new and higher levels of vibration. What we can choose from, at any moment, though, is what resonates with us. One important note here: we have no way of knowing all of the lessons included in what we decline so whatever we are guided to decline may be in our highest good over the long term. That's why regret is not the best use of our energy.

But, as soon as we understand the lesson and its healing purpose we no longer have to follow that path and are ready to make new choices. Although we think that we have to see something through to our anticipated or expected outcome, all we have to do is realize that there are other potential choices for our life. There is no divinely mandated end to any situation because we have to decide when a lesson is finished. We choose the end, just as we choose the beginning. And when we realize that a lesson is over, it has achieved its purpose in our life.

Each path contains learning that we need to experience, or we would not choose that path. There are no accidental choices, each thing we are attracted to has an energetic connection with us which corresponds an area of healing. The stronger the attraction the more important and powerful the lesson and healing. We accept what our soul needs to heal and decline what we are not yet ready for or what we have not yet learned enough to be able to experience. And then we repeat that process countless times during the course of our many lifetimes as we continue through the spiral of learning, healing, growth and transformation that is our ascension path.

Join me at the Aromatic Institute as we continue to assist humanity through plant botanicals via Aroma Pharmica. Have a most glorious day!

Until next time...

Your Aromatic Alchemist,

Thursday, July 28, 2011

As Blessed as you want to be...

Our thoughts are not simply ethereal pieces of information that enter our minds and then disappear. The words and ideas that we think can shape our lives and drive us toward success and happiness or failure and distress. How you think and feel can have a profound effect on your ability to recognize opportunity, how well you perform, and the outcome of the goals that you’ve set for yourself. When you maintain an optimistic outlook and make an effort to harbor only positive thoughts, you begin to create the circumstances conducive to you achieving what you desire. You feel in control and few of life’s challenges seem truly overwhelming because it is in your nature to expect a positive conclusion. An optimistic mind is also an honest one. Staying positive does not mean that you ignore difficulties or disregard limitations. Instead, it means spending time focusing only on the thoughts that are conducive to your well-being and progress.

 Positive thinking dramatically increases your chances of success in any endeavor. When you’re sure that you are worthy and that achievement is within your grasp, you start to relax and look for solutions rather than dwelling on problems. You are more likely to imagine positive situations or outcomes and disregard the thoughts related to giving up, failure, or roadblocks. What the mind expects, it finds. If you anticipate joy, good health, happiness, and accomplishment, then you will experience each one. Thinking positively may sound like a simple shift in attention – and it is – but it is a mind-set that must be developed. Whenever a negative thought enters your mind, try immediately replacing it with a constructive or optimistic one. With persistence, you can condition your mind to judge fleeting, self-defeating thoughts as inconsequential and dismiss them.

 It is within your power to become as happy, content, or successful as you make up your mind to be. Staying positive may not have an immediate effect on your situation, but it will likely have a profound and instantaneous effect on your mood and the quality of your experiences. In order for positive thinking to change your life, it must become your predominant mind-set. Once you are committed to embracing positive thinking, you’ll start believing that everything that you want is within your grasp.

This has been brought to us by DailyOm.

I decided years ago after some deep and profound inner work on myself to attempt to view things in a positive manner instead of living from a place of fear, lack and not good enough. I will be the first to admit that it took time, effort and forethought to create the world in which I live today; however, it is the best life I have known yet. I can not tell you a specific date or time that the shift took place for me, I just know that after much time of concentrated effort and processing the negative into positive that my world began to shift.

As said above, " Staying positive does not mean that you ignore difficulties or disregard limitations. Instead, it means spending time focusing only on the thoughts that are conducive to your well-being and progress." This my friends is my life. I have had many nay-sayers along the way who are so deep in their sh*t that only negative comes from them, telling me that I do not live in reality, when in fact, my reality is very real and Absolutely Fabulous for me. 

Please join me, it is quite easy and so very rewarding to live a life free of the socital chains that bind so many. And remember as always, we at the Aromatic Institute incorporate plant medicine from Aroma Pharmica to assist in our evolution with grace and ease. Until next time...

Your Aromatic Alchemist,

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

As is above, so is below...

During the first few days of August the universe will fire off two or three discreet challenges so make sure you were being attentive and listening to your inner divine judgments and directives.   

If you are experiencing emotional turbulence, moodiness and shadowy behavior by beleaguered friends, associates or family members it's your proof of the universe's beloved interest in our evolution. Tremendous anchoring of spiritual codes associated with the Divine Feminine have been balancing humanity for the entire month. Sacred female frequencies related to the Magdalene energies activated a matriarchal dismantling and clearing which is now occurring through all ancestral lines. 

Because of the awesome power of these light codes you should be feeling intuitively sharp, clear and confident. With the new visioning perspectives you are able to gaze upon your own expression of life and decide what areas need an inflow of Soul juice (love). You are completely dedicated to discovering the ideals and morals from within that still yearn for the support of Universal love and intelligence. You are feeling like a channel of collective insights moving with the eternal instinct of knowledge and wisdom. Synchronicity, soul connections, a-ha moments, past life memories, mystery manifestations, flashing mathematical codes (i.e. 1111, 4444, 888) can all be part of your everyday life. 

However, if you are healing karmic wounds associated with these energies then you could be working with simmering anger, jealousy, suspicion, emotional disempowerment, victimization of vulnerable individuals, and possible terror in response to repression and belittlement. Such experiences are pivotal opportunities for you to become conscious and awake to what is asking for healing. Be willing to see how your attitudes and energies are seeking the divine inspiration of Spirit's wholeness. The wise part of you, possessing a keen memory about what you incarnated to accomplish, will motivate you to take the exact steps needed for reconnection. 

Physical repercussions from integration include the nervous system going awry. Light packets coded with ancient frequencies are bouncing through us within a newly available vibrational spectrum and we are being over-stimulated. You may feel "buzzing" as your body attempts to moderate the new refinements. Give yourself permission to sleep it off - literally. If extra sleep isn't an option then at least create opportunities to relax throughout the day. A knotted stomach, pancreas pain, gallbladder issues, or other digestive and intestinal problems may also surface as the third chakra adjusts to the new norm. Remember when anchoring new frequencies at the body level give your digestion a break and eat as lightly as possible. 

And a new one to add to the list - because you are grounding a new surge of "creational" energies, you may find sexual feelings escalate. The lower chakras are now being merged with high velocity dimensional frequencies so use your own discernment and only interact with clear boundaries to what feels aligned to you. If you are female you may notice you are receiving a new level of "male" attention directed at your energy field. If you are a male, you will notice the desire to exchange your energies with the opposite sex. Do not utilize these energies to heal body parts. Raise them through your vertical power tube (chakra column) and release them out the top of your crown. See your root and crown as one long column of light. If you have an intimate partner, consecrate your union to these sacred energies to heal and liberate you both.

All the yet-to-arrive energies of August will serve to convert you into a crystallized, electro-magnetic field of Soul current that is ready to accommodate the dimensional spheres we are moving into. The potent frequency upgrades are purposefully making us ready for the end of one era and the beginning of another. Very shortly 3D will no longer be relative to our existence. Go with the organic eternal life force flow by turning inward to reflect on the workings of the cosmos through your own self-study. Make the external changes needed for greater alignment between self and the Universe. (Note to Self: as above, so below; as within, so without.) 

As the week progresses be alert to the energies of "conflict" that will be present. They are the distraction that will keep you from taking in the higher, more subtle currents running through your environment. When you need to resolve something that appears as conflict the first action to take is to s-l-o-w down and reflect on where your individual ego and will are fitting into the larger cosmic scheme. Touchiness, unease, and tension are sure to be exacerbated. The most natural emotion and action to humanly possess is the need to be right. 

Do your part to use your inner vision to identify what is most important - again, not only for yourself but in terms of fitting into the larger cosmic order of the time. Open your heart and move into love constantly, consistently. All attempts at this help to improve the psychic atmosphere of humanity. Instead of falling into the ole, "my way or the highway", it won't hurt to play the generous and caring role while interacting with loved ones, pals and co-workers. 

Settling in 5D is beyond anything your mortal imagination can conjure up and it is no longer a matter of prophecy. From here to 2012 the Light will be coming more rapidly and with greater intensity in order that everyone have a deeper sense of their individual role within the larger landscape. 

July will end with a mixture of stimulation and caution. The yellow flag of caution is a reminder of your greater responsibility and leadership within our own life experiences. Each event will require an internal dialogue to explore the profound Inner Knowing of your personal values and truths. Thus, the leader who listens to inner knowing and leads by example. The effects of August will powerfully propel us further into the 5D dimension, shaking off more belief systems formulated a long time ago. It is time to be realistic about what we really feel is right and in harmony with our God Source identity. Inner control and peace are the themes to practice for our personal evolution this week.

This incredible post was delivered by Rev. Angela Peregoff.

These times are changing my friends and I will be the first to say "WooHoo." Now with that said, you should also know that there is validation in all that we have experienced up till this now moment. Many of us have shed lifetimes in days, weeks, months. This caused quite the emotional upheaval as all we had known and grown accustomed to had to leave in order for this beautiful, sparkly new to arrive. We are still in transition though, as Angela stated above. Some are healing Karmic wounds that are up front and in our face. Please love, take time for yourself (whatever that means for you,) others are integrating these new energies and having these unexplained pains. Good to validate again what is occurring as these new frequencies are entering into our bodies for our highest good.  I love you all and see the light in you. Know that great things happen when you are in tune with your intuition. We at the Aromatic Institute use these gifts to create powerful blends of essential oils for various solutions with Aroma Pharmica. We are resolving things like headaches, sleeplessness, anxiety, while creating a piece of resolve that all is right in the world. Until next time...


Today I awaken to the peace and calm of the One Presence attending
to the ordering of all life. This spiritual mastery animates the Divine
nature of all it conceives. In the stillness of this Presence I am tenderly
reminded that I, too, am Spirit's whole, perfect and complete expression
of life. I AM the principle of the one Mind moving to create experiences
which open me to the authentic realms of Self.

I move with the divine momentum of the universe and allow all aspects
of God's radiant light to bless my entire being with the rising stages of
its transfiguring energy. No matter what challenges or tests may be
presented, I know nothing is worth moving away from the harmony of
God's grace and timing. I am a spiritual being that is superior to my mind,
emotions, and circumstances. As such I drink in the opportunity for Light
from the heart of God to merge with the discipline of a physical body. Every
cell, every atomic and subatomic particle within my physical, etheric, mental
and emotional bodies is now pulsating with the certainty of Divine Radiance.
The revitalizing and restoring beams of Light infuse my bodies with the
divine qualities of eternal youth, vibrant health, and limitless physical
perfection. Empowered by these positive effects I am always self-responsible,
happy, optimistic, emotionally stable, wise, clear about my life's purpose, and
skillful in the deliverance of soul driven actions.

I AM eternally grateful for more Light now filling my bodies with vibrations of
Love and Harmony. Through the power of Light I am revivified and transformed.
I know this activity has been completed with full power through the One mind
and Presence of God. And so it is. 

Your Aromatic Alchemist,

Monday, July 25, 2011

Freedom is what you do with what's been done to you...

During the first few days of August the universe will fire off two or three discreet challenges so make sure you were being attentive and listening to your inner divine judgments and directives.   

If you are experiencing emotional turbulence, moodiness and shadowy behavior by beleaguered friends, associates or family members it's your proof of the universe's beloved interest in our evolution. Tremendous anchoring of spiritual codes associated with the Divine Feminine have been balancing humanity for the entire month. Sacred female frequencies related to the Magdalene energies activated a matriarchal dismantling and clearing which is now occurring through all ancestral lines. 

Because of the awesome power of these light codes you should be feeling intuitively sharp, clear and confident. With the new visioning perspectives you are able to gaze upon your own expression of life and decide what areas need an inflow of Soul juice (love). You are completely dedicated to discovering the ideals and morals from within that still yearn for the support of Universal love and intelligence. You are feeling like a channel of collective insights moving with the eternal instinct of knowledge and wisdom. Synchronicity, soul connections, a-ha moments, past life memories, mystery manifestations, flashing mathematical codes (i.e. 1111, 4444, 888) can all be part of your everyday life. 

However, if you are healing karmic wounds associated with these energies then you could be working with simmering anger, jealousy, suspicion, emotional disempowerment, victimization of vulnerable individuals, and possible terror in response to repression and belittlement. Such experiences are pivotal opportunities for you to become conscious and awake to what is asking for healing. Be willing to see how your attitudes and energies are seeking the divine inspiration of Spirit's wholeness. The wise part of you, possessing a keen memory about what you incarnated to accomplish, will motivate you to take the exact steps needed for reconnection. 

Physical repercussions from integration include the nervous system going awry. Light packets coded with ancient frequencies are bouncing through us within a newly available vibrational spectrum and we are being over-stimulated. You may feel "buzzing" as your body attempts to moderate the new refinements. Give yourself permission to sleep it off - literally. If extra sleep isn't an option then at least create opportunities to relax throughout the day. A knotted stomach, pancreas pain, gallbladder issues, or other digestive and intestinal problems may also surface as the third chakra adjusts to the new norm. Remember when anchoring new frequencies at the body level give your digestion a break and eat as lightly as possible. 

And a new one to add to the list - because you are grounding a new surge of "creational" energies, you may find sexual feelings escalate. The lower chakras are now being merged with high velocity dimensional frequencies so use your own discernment and only interact with clear boundaries to what feels aligned to you. If you are female you may notice you are receiving a new level of "male" attention directed at your energy field. If you are a male, you will notice the desire to exchange your energies with the opposite sex. Do not utilize these energies to heal body parts. Raise them through your vertical power tube (chakra column) and release them out the top of your crown. See your root and crown as one long column of light. If you have an intimate partner, consecrate your union to these sacred energies to heal and liberate you both.

All the yet-to-arrive energies of August will serve to convert you into a crystallized, electro-magnetic field of Soul current that is ready to accommodate the dimensional spheres we are moving into. The potent frequency upgrades are purposefully making us ready for the end of one era and the beginning of another. Very shortly 3D will no longer be relative to our existence. Go with the organic eternal life force flow by turning inward to reflect on the workings of the cosmos through your own self-study. Make the external changes needed for greater alignment between self and the Universe. (Note to Self: as above, so below; as within, so without.) 

As the week progresses be alert to the energies of "conflict" that will be present. They are the distraction that will keep you from taking in the higher, more subtle currents running through your environment. When you need to resolve something that appears as conflict the first action to take is to s-l-o-w down and reflect on where your individual ego and will are fitting into the larger cosmic scheme. Touchiness, unease, and tension are sure to be exacerbated. The most natural emotion and action to humanly possess is the need to be right. 

Do your part to use your inner vision to identify what is most important - again, not only for yourself but in terms of fitting into the larger cosmic order of the time. Open your heart and move into love constantly, consistently. All attempts at this help to improve the psychic atmosphere of humanity. Instead of falling into the ole, "my way or the highway", it won't hurt to play the generous and caring role while interacting with loved ones, pals and co-workers. 

Settling in 5D is beyond anything your mortal imagination can conjure up and it is no longer a matter of prophecy. From here to 2012 the Light will be coming more rapidly and with greater intensity in order that everyone have a deeper sense of their individual role within the larger landscape. 

July will end with a mixture of stimulation and caution. The yellow flag of caution is a reminder of your greater responsibility and leadership within our own life experiences. Each event will require an internal dialogue to explore the profound Inner Knowing of your personal values and truths. Thus, the leader who listens to inner knowing and leads by example. The effects of August will powerfully propel us further into the 5D dimension, shaking off more belief systems formulated a long time ago. It is time to be realistic about what we really feel is right and in harmony with our God Source identity. Inner control and peace are the themes to practice for our personal evolution this week.

This incredible post was delivered by Rev. Angela Peregoff.
These times are changing my friends and I will be the first to say "WooHoo." Now with that said, you should also know that there is validation in all that we have experienced up till this now moment. Many of us have shed lifetimes in days, weeks, months. This caused quite the emotional upheaval as all we had known and grown accustomed to had to leave in order for this beautiful, sparkly new to arrive. We are still in transition though, as Angela stated above. Some are healing Karmic wounds that are up front and in our face. Please love, take time for yourself (whatever that means for you,) others are integrating these new energies and having these unexplained pains. Good to validate again what is occurring as these new frequencies are entering into our bodies for our highest good.  I love you all and see the light in you. Know that great things happen when you are in tune with your intuition. We at the Aromatic Institute use these gifts to create powerful blends of essential oils for various solutions with Aroma Pharmica. We are resolving things like headaches, sleeplessness, anxiety, while creating a piece of resolve that all is right in the world. Until next time...


Today I awaken to the peace and calm of the One Presence attending
to the ordering of all life. This spiritual mastery animates the Divine
nature of all it conceives. In the stillness of this Presence I am tenderly
reminded that I, too, am Spirit's whole, perfect and complete expression
of life. I AM the principle of the one Mind moving to create experiences
which open me to the authentic realms of Self.

I move with the divine momentum of the universe and allow all aspects
of God's radiant light to bless my entire being with the rising stages of
its transfiguring energy. No matter what challenges or tests may be
presented, I know nothing is worth moving away from the harmony of
God's grace and timing. I am a spiritual being that is superior to my mind,
emotions, and circumstances. As such I drink in the opportunity for Light
from the heart of God to merge with the discipline of a physical body. Every
cell, every atomic and subatomic particle within my physical, etheric, mental
and emotional bodies is now pulsating with the certainty of Divine Radiance.
The revitalizing and restoring beams of Light infuse my bodies with the
divine qualities of eternal youth, vibrant health, and limitless physical
perfection. Empowered by these positive effects I am always self-responsible,
happy, optimistic, emotionally stable, wise, clear about my life's purpose, and
skillful in the deliverance of soul driven actions.

I AM eternally grateful for more Light now filling my bodies with vibrations of
Love and Harmony. Through the power of Light I am revivified and transformed.
I know this activity has been completed with full power through the One mind
and Presence of God. And so it is. 

Your Aromatic Alchemist,