Thursday, October 24, 2013

5 Steps to Prepare For The Eclipse Energy Gateway

I read this today and found it very pertinent to where we are and how to better able ourselves to move forward in this incredible transformational energy that is upon us.

The potentials for major upheavals sit side-by-side with possibilities for significant opportunities. We have eclipses each year, of course, but Scorpio solar eclipses like the one on 11/3 don’t come around every year. The last one like this was in November 1994, nearly two decades ago during the earlier phases of global spiritual awakening.
With today’s accelerated awakening process in full swing, this November’s eclipse promises to be an intense catalyst for transformational shifting on a mega scale. Most likely, you felt at least a few bumps from the 10/18 lunar eclipse. On some level, you are probably still processing those chaotic energies – making updates in your personal life and self-reflecting about what else needs to change.
Between eclipses, too, you are in a process of adapting to a wave of new energies unfolding across the planet as humanity becomes more aware of global predicaments. Issues and conflicts are increasingly transparent and urgent. This trend will continue, bringing light to what’s not working and putting a fire under problems now too big to be swept under the carpet.
In the next several days leading up to the next eclipse, you want to pay attention to energy shifts and your own responses to happenstance. To be sure, as things intensify in your outer world, your own imbalances and unfinished business will come to your attention. Noticing these things now – and working with them in advance of our 11/2 energy gateway event with The Council of 12 – will help you to maximize the significant opportunities of the 11/3 eclipse.
5 Steps to Prepare for the Eclipse Energy Gateway
First, think about what was happening in your life the last time we had a Scorpio solar eclipse in November 1994. What significant event or ending took place and what new phase started?
Second, since the upcoming gateway is to be focused on significant beginnings and endings, consider what in your life needs to start or end. Meditate on themes involving physical things, mental concepts, work situations, and relationships. Invite your higher wisdom to begin revealing the specifics of what you need to let go or revamp in order to make way for a brand-new beginning.
Third, using insights received from the above process, make a list of what you need to leave behind, rework, or perhaps remake entirely into something else. For right now, don’t be concerned about the order of your list or how you will accomplish the letting go. The important thing is to write these things on paper to anchor them in your awareness.
Fourth, invite spirit to bring you clarity about these things between now and the eclipse gateway. This clarity may come through dreams, from life happenstance, or during moments when you reflect on your list of what needs to go.
Fifth, on a daily basis ahead of the eclipse gateway, consider your key ending themes – honing in on some of the appropriate steps you will need to take. Remember that in order to step into your new life, you cannot bring with you things or situations that are unworkable – things that prevent you from being all that you can be. Don’t let this old baggage overwhelm you. Just pay attention to what you discover and begin your preliminary letting go process now ahead of the gateway.
As you do this advance process and begin to shift things in your life, you open the door to stepping into a new, more expansive cycle. Remind yourself that you deserve this. Know that your empowered divine changemaker self is ready to step into the new beginnings of this next phase. Trust this.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Are you honoring your worth?

Right now the energy of the cosmos is asking us to get real on what we are dreaming about with our relation to love and money. Interesting concept.... I know that I am in the throws of my stuff right now, so I thought it best to reach out and share.

We live in a paradigm where we need to trade via money for our bills, homes and lifestyles in general to be supported. Money is the object we trade with. It of itself is not energized. Are you ready for this? Listen closely....

It is the person using the money that is important and their energy that is passed through the money they acquire and use.

You (we) are being asked to overhaul your relationship to YOU and money. It is time to stop dreaming and start doing in this department. Only your action will fulfill you innermost desires. 

Ask for what you are worth and consistently live up to this. Accept it with gratitude when it comes in.

Have a great week, bust it wide open and make a difference todayAs we continue this journey together, know that I love you, I am grateful for this experience, God is and that is my truth.

Divine GodPod Goddess,

Heather XOXOXO

P.S. As an Aromatic Alchemist, I formulated a blend that assists in incredible ways. I am currently using Higher Self: This blend creates a feeling of oneness. Connecting for your highest good, allowing the gifts to come forth.  It is a blend of Frankincense, Geranium, Rose and Jasmine vibrates within our heart and spirit, bringing greater understanding to the conscious mind with the ability to transmit our soul’s joy and love to the universe. It touches and stirs the spirit, awakening acknowledgement of the divine. Get your own bottle at Aromatic Institute.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Can you feel it?

During the next three weeks we will be like detectives and will get to the absolute root of all matters. This period is known as the "Shadow of Mercury Retrograde." It occurs before the actual Retrograde period of Mercury, which is a clean out period, as we learn to become effective communicators person to person, OR not. (The  latter will cause great distress, I do not recommend.) To effectively communicate can be a challenge, uncomfortable and create more moments of relief. It is absolutely necessary.

I need you to start making notes of the themes that are showing up in your life over these shadow weeks as these will be the very issues that you can clear and sort out during the retro of Oct 20 through Nov 9.

Where we are right now is an intense period and if used wisely, we can delve into our own truth, rather than to blame others or focus on their right or wrong doings. I was reading one of planetary calendars this morning, it speaks of the "Volatility Vortex." The last time these energies surfaced was the mid 1960's. So as I am reading about government, politics, unstable minds and markets, I then had my AHH moment. This astrologer foretold of our government shutting down by reading the signs that the planets have put in place. This astrologer told of this a year ago as this calender went to print. I digress, I apologize, I saw something shiny....

Okay back to us.... in three weeks, the planet Mercury will begins its THIRD and FINAL retrograde of 2013. Right now we need pen and paper in hand to document what issues are prevalent in our lives, write it all down: thoughts, feelings, difficulties and ALL moments of joy. These are what we will be getting clear on during the three weeks of retrograde coming up in three weeks. (hahaha, side note - everything in threes.)

I have a strong feeling that I will have three themes that I will get clear on and move forward in a blissfully productive and happy way. Let me know what themes you have come up. This will give you a good idea of what to expect over the retro period that will test your communication skills on a levels of being.

Have a great week, bust it wide open and make a difference todayAs we continue this journey together, know that I love you, I am grateful for this experience, God is and that is my truth.

Divine God Pod Goddess,

Heather XOXOXO

P.S. As an Aromatic Alchemist, I formulated a blend that assists in incredible ways. I am currently using  Clear Mental Cobwebs: This ingenious blend of Lemon, Spearmint, Peppermint, Black Pepper, Rosemary Essential Oils is for mental and memory stimulation. It clears out the cobwebs, makes you feel alert and helps you focus  Get your own bottle at Aromatic Institute.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

What are your words bringing you?

I thrive on words. I love to read. I read to learn, I learn to grow, I grow to be of service. This is how I roll. I am a divine instrument of God's good, creating a magnificent vessel in which to be a powerful messenger. "Owing to the vibratory power of words, whatever man voices, he begins to attract." This was written in 1929 by Florence Shinn, what a trailblazer in the law of the universe!

My adage is "If that's what you put out there, that is what you are going to get." I believe that many of us are more comfortable in the negative because there is such a great lack of worth circulating in our world.

I choose to use my words for three purposes: to heal, to bless and to prosper; because what you say of others will be said of you AND what you wish of others, you are wishing for yourself.

Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you and pray for them who spitefully use you and persecute you. WHY? Because goodwill produces a great aura of protection around the one who sends it. I know this first hand as this is the life I choose to lead. I lead from my heart, always have and always will. As you bless your enemy, you rob them of ammunition. Now these actions do not have to be in the face of your enemy, it can be a silent pray of blessings to be bestowed to them as they have lost their way.

So what are your words bringing to you? What does your world look like because of your thoughts, actions and words? Can you see the correlation between your thoughts and the things in your life?

Have a great week, bust it wide open and make a difference todayAs we continue this journey together, know that I love you, I am grateful for this experience, God is and that is my truth.

Divine GodPod Goddess,

Heather XOXOXO

P.S. As an Aromatic Alchemist, I formulated a blend that assists in incredible ways. I am currently using Higher Self: This blend creates a feeling of oneness. Connecting for your highest good, allowing the gifts to come forth.  It is a blend of Frankincense, Geranium, Rose and Jasmine vibrates within our heart and spirit, bringing greater understanding to the conscious mind with the ability to transmit our soul’s joy and love to the universe. It touches and stirs the spirit, awakening acknowledgement of the divine. Get your own bottle at Aromatic Institute.

Monday, August 19, 2013


LOA is an acronym for Law of Attraction, which is our universal law. There is a full moon rising in Aquarius and we are being guided to break free where we have been stuck in beliefs and mental patterns. We are coming into a new freedom to be who we really are. Our hearts and minds are opening to love and compassion for ourselves and others. There are opportunities now to make a leap in consciousness. WHEW.......

This has created quite the interesting scenario for me as I am being pulled to the core issue/belief that has kept me stuck in my muck. I like to use the metaphor of a ball of yarn. When we are being pushed, prodded and pulled by the universe to get its message for us, sometimes we tend to only go back a few yards in our ball of yarn. We are actually being gently reminded that we must unravel the entire ball of yarn to get to the core. This is where the healing will take place in order for you to move forward.

In my epiphany this morning, it was the words of my youngest asking questions about Daddy. Why did Daddy leave, why doesn't Daddy talk to you, Why Daddy.... I let myself go past this pain to the core, which was that I as a baby girl asked the same questions. Getting answers that I didn't understand that left me with a hole inside, left me feeling less than for much of my life, which caused me to choose situations, places and people that were not in my highest good.

Now I don't physically have my Daddy here to assist in my healing, but he is sending strong messages and I have received them. I now understand that he did not have a great role model for a father, so he did not know how to be a Daddy. He also did not seek to create a different reality for himself as he was not inclined for that growth in this lifetime. This is my path, this is my spiritual growth.

The LOA says that we can not create what we do not have. Like attracts like, so what this means is if we are continually recreating our past, then that is what we are going to get in our future. We create it each time we reference the situations. How do you choose to remember your story? The following allegory offers a clue.

Two Wolves: A Native American grandfather is talking to his grandson about how he feels about a tragedy in their village. "I feel as if I have two wolves fighting in my heart. One wolf is the vengeful, angry, violent one. The other wolf is the loving, compassionate one." The grandson asks, "Grandfather, which wolf will win the fight in your heart?" The grandfather places his hand on his heart and replies, "The one I feed."

How do we learn to "feed" the stories that heal?

So, the assignment of the day is to do this.... Think of a difficult event in your life, now past. Feel within the emotions associated with the person or event. Now visualize stepping back and see yourself telling the old story. Ask who is telling the story? Now choose to write a new version from where you are now standing, some distance away. Take all the time you need for this process.

As we grow these negative, protective patterns outlive their use. Then as maturity comes, we seek to create new, healthier patterns. It's not that the negative patterns leave, they simply go dormant, and the new healthier patterns take over, as it were. We learn, as the old grandfather did, to feed the good wolf. It makes sense to accept this and have compassion for not only the old negative patterns but for the child or young adult who needed them at the time.

Only when old patterns which no longer serve are let go, can new ones emerge. Sometimes new, healthier habits must be in place before letting go of the old ones.

Have a great week, bust it wide open and make a difference todayAs we continue this journey together, know that I love you, I am grateful for this experience, God is and that is my truth.

Divine God Pod Goddess,

Heather XOXOXO

P.S. As an Aromatic Alchemist, I formulated a blend that assists in incredible ways. I am using Field Organizer,
 this blend creates a feeling of protection and security, increasing your aura around the body by clearing and sealing the energy field from lower vibrating realms of being, which vibrates at a frequency that allows the dispersion of matter through the energetic field that sweeps through like a magnet, removing any discordant energy that has corded or entered your space. Get your own bottle at Aromatic Institute (click the name.)

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

It's the end of KARMA as we know it....

Hey Y'all,
Oh my, you caught me.... I am singing to myself as I typed the title to this article. A catchy tune by a great group of musical angels named R.E.M. called, "It's the end of the world as we know it." I came across a great article this morning that lends hope to the direction we are choosing  to take. My dear friend and colleague Jennifer Hoffman wrote this. So sit back, relax, soak in the message as we continue to stretch, grow and learn. Oh yeah, back to the song.... "And I feel fine!"  XO~H
Karma has been the path of the earth and of its human family since the beginning of this ascension cycle. This is the foundation of the third dimensional paradigm and it contains the promise of evolution from fear to love, from limitation to expansion, and from suffering to joy and ultimately ascension into higher dimensions of being.
To attain the promise of ascension, humanity must complete its karmic path through forgiveness, which is required to end karma. These lessons are both your blessing and your greatest challenges, as you have experienced in the many lifetimes and struggles that have defined your karmic path. You have seen this is as path from karma to redemption but it is really simply moving from karma, the path of destiny and healing, to creation, the path of the divine human, one-ness, connection and of intentional energy flow. The karmic path has come to an end, if you choose to allow it to.
The new era of creation is now one small step away from you and forgiveness is the bridge you cross to reach it. This is not a small matter, for once you cross the bridge into the era of creation, you can never return to the dimensions of karma. For some of you this is a difficult choice because you walk on two karmic paths, the one of your lifetimes and the one of humanity’s karma. As light workers, teachers, and multi-aspected healers, you have held the healing potential for collective karma.
Part of your karmic journey is the responsibility you have accepted for the pain and suffering, created by others, that has impacted much of humanity. While you were powerless to prevent it and it was part of the collective karmic path, you have chosen to remain in karmic cycles until the collective karma is healed. Through this responsibility you have delayed the closure you need to complete your karmic cycles and you have done this willingly but even so, it is no longer necessary.
By remaining in this aspect of your karmic cycles you do not complete the other potential of your healing and that is to empower the creation paradigms for the new earth, which are karma-free. Your fear that karma will not be let go of, that you will not be successful in this aspect of your soul promise and soul contracts, that you will not honor your obligations to Source, that this will be another failed attempt at moving from karma to creation keeps you in karmic cycles that you do not belong in. (We have been on the roller coaster long enough.)
Can you accept the healing gift of grace, the forgiveness that Source has for you, which lets you go from the collective karma you are holding healing energy for? This is your opportunity to do the work that your soul has longed for since the beginning of this very long journey, and that is to create the new era for the earth, the era of creation and the end of karma. There are aspects of this healing that you cannot complete, that must be done through the collective intention to let go of karma.
While you can hold energy and intention for this outcome, this is no longer needed. What is needed is the fulfillment of karma’s healing, new paradigms for peace, joy and love that exist beyond karma. This is your evolution and ascension into higher dimensions of being and this is your gift to the world. Be complete with your healing, accept the gift of grace which is your letting go of from your individual and collective karmic obligations and start stepping into the joy, freedom, peace and unconditional love that are the blessings of the new era of creation.
Have a great week, bust it wide open and make a difference todayAs we continue this journey together, know that I love you, I am grateful for this experience, God is and that is my truth.

Divine God Pod Goddess,

Heather XOXOXO

P.S. As an Aromatic Alchemist, I formulated a blend that assists in incredible ways. I am using Field Organizer,
 this blend creates a feeling of protection and security, increasing your aura around the body by clearing and sealing the energy field from lower vibrating realms of being, which vibrates at a frequency that allows the dispersion of matter through the energetic field that sweeps through like a magnet, removing any discordant energy that has corded or entered your space. You too can transform your world smoothly and easily with assistance from Nature's botanicals at Aromatic Institute and of course the great and powerful Universe .

Friday, July 12, 2013

We all have dents...

I am a believer that all power lies within. I know from my own experience that I create my reality; therefore, I know the same is true for you. Your life might not be exactly what you thought it would look like right now.

We all have dents and from those dents come our most profound gifts; however, we most of the times only see our dents as flaws and over time will use that to determine where we are in life and a lot of times where we are headed in our future.

One of my greatest teachers wrote a book in 1925 called "The game of life and how to play it." She later wrote 3 others that are just as powerful. It all about the words we choose to speak and the power of those words.

You can create meaning in your life quite simply by appreciating all you already are and have. Increasing the feeling of gratitude for 'what is" us a marvelous way to bring you into purpose, elegantly and simply.

We are all being called to wake up to the gifts that are within each of us. To be our very best, to lead by example, to love one another, to let go of all our past hurts by putting love into them for what they are and for the gifts that they gave us, be it strength, courage, tenacity, understanding. There is a positive in every negative if we just step back and look at it differently.

I am well aware that it is a process of self discovery and actualization that makes us better human beings after being bogged down in negative experiences of our past. I promise you that you are worth it. You can be anything you want and set your mind to. Ask, Believe and Receive...

Have a great weekend, bust it wide open and make a difference todayAs we continue this journey together, know that I love you, I am grateful for this experience, God is and that is my truth.

Divine God Pod Goddess,

Heather XOXOXO

P.S. As an Aromatic Alchemist, I formulated a blend that assists in incredible ways. I am using Field Organizer,
 This blend creates a feeling of protection and security, increasing your aura around the body by clearing and sealing the energy field from lower vibrating realms of being, which vibrates at a frequency that allows the dispersion of matter through the energetic field that sweeps through like a magnet, removing any discordant energy that has corded or entered your space. You too can transform your world smoothly and easily with assistance from Nature's botanicals at Aromatic Institute.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

The Basis of your Life...

There is no right or wrong way to tell your improved story. It can be about your past, present, or future experiences. The only criterion that is important is that you be conscious of your intent to tell a better-feeling, improved version of your story. Telling many good-feeling short stories throughout your day will change your point of attraction. Just remember that the story you tell is the basis of your life. So tell it the way you want it to be. --- Abraham

Excerpted from the book "Money and the Law of Attraction: Learning to Attract Health, Wealth and Happiness" # 53 Esther and Jerry Hicks
This is a great exercise – telling your story from a better-feeling viewpoint.
How about telling the good points and not the bad.  We are always recounting the bad parts of our lives as some sort of validation to be in the situation we are in or to have commonality with others.  Let's remember the good of our day and focus on that at the dinner table. When I sit down for dinner with my family, we go around the table and talk of the positives in our day. We are engaged, present and in the now.
It is tooting your own horn, which to some might feel pompous; however, it is what will bring more great things to our lives consistently.
That is all for now, have a most beautiful day. You do know that YOU create your reality. As we continue this journey together, know that I love you and I am grateful for this experience.

Divine God Pod Goddess,

Heather XOXOXO

P.S. As an Aromatic Alchemist, I formulated a blend that assists in incredible way. I am using Original Blueprint today. You too can transform your world smoothly and easily with assistance from Nature's botanicals at
Aromatic Institute.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Pondering our Processing...

WOW - what an interesting time we are in. I have been talking for quite a while about change. I have embraced the concept that we are constantly evolving, growing, stretching and learning.  Now here is the real deal.....

Many are resistant to change, digging in their heels, letting their fear of the unknown persuade them into staying in their rut. Well that was then and this is now. Now Change is necessary, it is all or nothing. If you tell yourself something long enough, you will believe it. If you fail to take the time to question why you do what you do, you can become convinced that you cannot do anything else.

Whether we like it or not, we are being pushed by universal forces to let go of the past and all the junk that no longer serves our highest good. This influence is forcing us to look at all those little aspects of ourselves that we often choose to ignore. Maybe it is not about fixing something that is broken, maybe it is about starting over and creating something better.

Instead of regretting your past experiences, embrace them as the learning blocks that created the masterpiece that you are today. Just as those past experiences shaped your current reality, your current experiences are also shaping your future!

The trick will be to stay in the present moment. Don't get lost in the past, though bits will come up for us to do over and do differently. The horizon is wide right now, we can see far ahead for a change, but to get that far we need to engage opportunities right here and right now. We can choose an open-ended path and stay open for a serendipitous meeting or positive shift in relationships.

Notice an urgency to express and feel understood, but it’s hard to be heard when everyone wants to express at the same time. We need to be as curious about others as we want them to be about ourselves. We can see how the patterns in how we think and speak, and notice how we recreate familiar reactions in the people around us. Some experience can put us out of our comfort zone and point out to us that we need to let go of some outmoded behaviors in order to achieve our goals. We can rebel against our patterns once we see them and make a difference choice, break old patterns and truly feel free. It can be both scary and exciting if we embrace this process, but will be well worth the effort.

Have a great week, bust it wide open and make a difference today. As we continue this journey together, know that I love you, I am grateful for this experience, God is and that is my truth.


Divine God Pod Goddess,

Heather XOXOXO

P.S. As an Aromatic Alchemist, I formulated a blend that assists in incredible way. I am using Original Blueprint today. You too can transform your world smoothly and easily with assistance from Nature's botanicals at
Aromatic Institute.